Monday, April 18, 2011

A nice video.

 Hi again. Go to the following link and watch the video.It is quite interesting.Commento on it as well. This is your second assignment.


  1. It is a very interesting video. Is incredible how communication has evolved through the time, but is most incredible how fast has advanced in the last years. Now is almost impossible to imagine a world without all the things we have, without internet, phones and all the other ways we have to communicate us. All this development, make me wonder: what is next? What else can the human been invent? Is possible to create something new? All the television programs about the future that I saw when I was a little child look more possible today because the things that were science fiction in the past are real now. Communication is influenced by technology because our life is influenced by technology every day. While technology continues changing and growing, communication will continue changing too.
    Alejandra Saldarriaga

  2. i like this video, at this we can see how the way to communication has changed, how ours ancestors used a differents ways to communicate and transported from a place to another place, without needing technologies and other things that are really important now for everybody.

    but i'm sure that nobody would like that the form of communication has not been changed because things like the telephone, the cellphone, the televison, the radio, the computer, internet and the social networking are faster, cheaper, and more interesting. I can't imagine if the fire will still need to communicate and animals for transportation...
    Laura Velez

  3. in this video we can see how technology has changed through the years.. long time ago people used to write letters,now a days it's only with a (click). technology has advanced too much and one of the most interesting advances is the internet, where we can find everything we could think about,furthermore it's a very huge facility for us to make anything, on the other hand people have forgotten about reading or researching in a book and some other things. because of the technology we can do everything much faster...therefore pepole are so lazy!!!
    finally I have only one question: do we use technology in a good way? or maybe we are just slaves of that.....

  4. In the past there was a lot of cultures, all of them tried to got a lot of differents ways to comunication, people used letters, and these thinks, hahha i felt so happy when the man started to use a horse :P; as we saw in the video, the human being is so inteligent; we have the capacity to create a lot of things that we can use to be more comfortable, to have fun, to work, etc. So, we have telephone, but we are using cellphone, in the future we will can say that the telephone will die, the technology is fantastic!! but we have to beware.
    Manyari :)

  5. This amazing video shown us how communication has been evolving throughout the pass of years all this thanks to some smart humans. At the beggining human, had to made a lot of efforts if they wanted or needed to share a new or any information with somebody but thanks to the evident need of an easyer and faster communication, some humans began to create innovative and very usefull metods
    Actually we could notice how this advances and the innovatives ways of communication, had damage, in a hard way the oral communication because now days people always use internet, msn and in some extranger cases letters, and they have put aside the direct ways of communicate.
    For mi is so hard to imagine now people without all this usefull things like the internet and telephones, because we already get used to them and they make our daily life easyer than in pas.

  6. After see this video is impossible say: "How have changed the times!" Is absolutely notable the evolution of communications. Currently, there are many ways to have effective communication with someone in anywhere the world and in real time, besides is easy, free and more immediate. This is undoubtedly an achievement of man. Also, this evolution has created a proxy war that show a society more competitive that every day demand more and more.

    Finally I have a last question: How would be in ten years, the communication between human beigns?... Interesting question.

    Néstor Escudero P.

  7. this video is really interesting because i can appreciate all the technological changes that have been made and like along life,man has played an important and fundamental role in the evolution of the media permitted of some way make everything easier and more efficien in this way have arrived much media of comunication and have become indispensable in our lives such as: internet ,tv and cell and many more.
    and with this i can appreciate the great effort made by people to give the society and easy and simple to use but with the sole objetive of a good use.
    Diana Valencia.

  8. This is a great video that lets us see the technology breakthrough that has occurred through time. In the video we can see as our ancestors began to be transported and to communicate without the need of many things that we have today.
    As time passes, the idea man new devices and ways of communication. The man with his great wit and intelligence has made ​​to improve the quality of life of people and he implements many things that are indispensable in our lives as the internet, tv, phone, different means of transport, and other things. There is no denying that technology has improved the lives well but this has made ​​people change their thinking and they find ways easier.
    The technology is of immense help, but we have an excellent use of it.
    Alexandra Gómez Arboleda

  9. I think in this video we can appreciate the advance of the tecnology in our world.
    In the past our civilization had others ways to keep in communication;
    today we have many ways to communicate with anyone and I think this is an advantage because you have the placer to choose which one is better for you !
    And finally I guess the tecnology is going to increase everyday and the human is going to discover many ways to keep our communication with all of the people that we don't have near of us.
    I also hope that the tecnology doesn't affect human beings and civilization.

  10. This video is a reflection about how humans make use of techniques and technologies to externalize their thoughts and memories in different medias. Since the beginning, humanity felt the necessity to express ideas and it could be possible to say that the language was the first kind of tool that allowed to humans to externalize their ideas outside of their minds.

    The Lascaux caves, in France, and the Altamira’s caves, in Spain, are two examples about this development of putting ideas to share with the community. The first drawings found in these places during the prehistoric period of humanity are the proof about how man needed to create a pictographic language that would enable it to express their fears, gods, beliefs, rituals, etc. For that reason, we actually know about this prehistoric art as a form of communication among the first humans who create a medium to externalize their thoughts.

    Then, the Egyptian culture configured a new form of communication and was the hieroglyphs, but when it started the idea of civilization through the establishment of the Greek city, it begins an important advance about the externalization of human memory and, precisely, it’s the invention of the alphabet.

    Furthermore, there are so many developments related to the creation of new means of communication. Definitely, the beginning of the optical toys in the eighteenth century is an important precedent for the establishment of a new observer, since the eye begins to gain importance in the world of representation that had long been restricted in other ways of classic representations such as paintings and sculptures. Some of these optical toys were the zoopraxiscope and the praxinoscope.

    In fact, I wanted to talk about those modern objects because it could be possible to say that it’s the background of the beginning of photography and film. However, I would say that mass medias establish an unidirectional way of transmission; therefore, it’s not the best example of communication if the receiver can’t communicate with the emitter. Maybe, Internet is the closer technology which allows a kind of democratization of information among us, now that everyone could access freely, but we can’t forget also that it exists some restrictions that don’t allow to access to some information that could be possibly consider as a dangerous stuff if the government or moral groups of any country believe that.

    Consequently, there are many restricted web pages; I heard somewhere that a group of academics and researchers are developing a new server or internet browser similar to ‘Google’, but the big difference would be that this project won’t restrict any kind of information because Google doesn’t enable to find all the contents that exist on the web. That’s some of the reason about why I think that communication is a complex, difficult and necessary invention of humanity.

  11. It’s interesting to know how social networking keeps the first communication media’s intention: Telling what we’re thinking about and telling others how we feel about them through the distance. It has not changed despite the technological development. Nevertheless, the video shows us how the way to send these massages from one place to another has changed throughout the years. It’s incredible to imagine that, in the beginning of the civilizations, people have to run for long time to get a massage; and it’s more incredible that just 200 years ago, people can’t imagine anything like the phone and nowadays this is becoming obsolete because the new media ,such as the cell phone and the internet.
    I think this is happening because the new media let us to send these massages and to fulfill that first intention in a faster and more practical way. Now, all devices were mentioned in the video such as the telegraph, the telephone, the tv and the “interaction devices” can be found together in just one device or simply on internet with things like the msn or the social networkings such as facebook or twitter which is mentioned in the video, too.
    The question is: If in the last ten years we have advanced more than ever, where will we be in a close future?
